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Salaam Q’ahira

Salaam Q’ahira (10:05) by Chris Bakriges & Cliff Aerie

[Click on the image to be linked to the music]

Reflection: When the astronauts circle the earth from the international space station they are inevitably caught up in the wondrous view outside their window. The earth lies before them—land and seas; mountains, deserts, forests; cloud formations cluster over countries. Those countries, even though separate, have no borders visible from space. Planet earth is a wholistic orb where people dwell, separated from others by border checkpoints, cultural customs, often in fear and hatred. And yet, we are one world, interconnected as a global community.

It’s time to break down the barriers, the walls, the silos that keep us apart.I dream of a house with many rooms—a dwelling place to share.Where all are welcome to break bread—and bless each child with peace.While the words in this song are minimal, listen deeply to the improvisational solos and conjure up an image of a house with many rooms. A large family abides in this dwelling. Imagine this house is our world and you are part of that family. Each morning as you arise from a night of sleep offer “a triumphant bow of peace” to others with a blessing: Salaam Q’ahira!

Prayer: O Holy One, of all the tribes of earth, I thank you for including me in your wondrously diverse family. Help me to celebrate my place in our household and invite others to experience the community of love that is yours. Amen.

Lyrics: Salaam Q’ahira

I dream of a house with many rooms—a dwelling place to share. Where all are welcome to break bread—and bless each child with peace.

Peace that will bind us in one accord and remove all division and hate; In a song where our melodies harmonize, and we live in holy grace. Salaam Q’ahira! 

I dream of a day when we’ll embrace—join hands and hearts as one. It’s a dream of the prophets and avatars—who seek to bow in peace.

Peace that will bind us in one accord and remove all division and hate; In a song where our melodies harmonize, and we live in holy grace. Salaam Q’ahira! 

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