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As One

As One (4:15) by Cliff Aerie

[Click on the image to be linked to the music]

Reflection: “As One” is a simple melody with an equally simple, yet profound message: The world no longer can be a place where fear and hatred abound. If love is our guide, peace shall reside, and unity bind us as one. Simply stated, but judging by the realities of this world, not simply achieved. Ponder the simple message and consider how it could be achieved. The world seems so complex and the prospects for peace and unity are daunting. Is it really possible to achieve unity through diversity?

Listen to the music closely. The words are set to a simple chord structure. But as the instrumental section progresses, the chordal structure shifts into a completely different key while the original tonal melodic center remains constant. Is it an improvisational trick, or a metaphor for maintaining a central faith while exploring the shifting terrain of life?

Prayer: Holy One, the world you gave us should be a place where no one wanders alone. Help me open doors so we are strangers no more, together and living as one. Amen.

Lyrics: As One

The world no longer can be a place where fear and hatred abound. If love is our guide, peace shall reside, and unity bind us as one.

The world no longer should be defaced and scarred by garbage and greed. Let’s clean up this mess, ease the distress, embracing our planet as one.

The world God gave us should be a place where no one wanders alone. Let’s open the door, strangers no more, together and living as one.

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